Posts Tagged ‘reboot’

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Thursday, September 1st, 2016

Well, I haven’t written in here in a while. Again. Oops.

Made some updates to my sidebars/information since so much time has passed. Set some goals, as well.

  • More Posts. I was doing so well, and then I got off track. I need to write more in other avenues than my personal journal and my bullet journal.
  • More Pictures. This feature is something my posts, in general, are lacking. So much text and nothing to break it up. So… let’s take more pictures!

Yeeeeeep. There are some goals for ya.

Anyways…I’m gonna be leaving in less than eight hours to Colorado for an anime convention and visiting friends. NDK! Haven’t been there since I started this blog. :3

I’ll post when I get back~! <3

Reboot? I think so.

Monday, July 1st, 2013

…wow. I haven’t posted in here in forever, huh? I guess I can say that life has changed significantly since the last time I posted on here. I really miss writing blog posts. If anything, I spend all my time working, playing video games, reading, and just generally being an adult. I need to get myself back in the swing of things. So here I am, getting ready to start posting new things, writing new things, and making new adventures into the unknown. I wonder if anyone still reads this? Who knows. Who cares. Time to turn things up!

Here’s hoping for progress! 😀