Posts Tagged ‘Personal’

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Thursday, September 1st, 2016

Well, I haven’t written in here in a while. Again. Oops.

Made some updates to my sidebars/information since so much time has passed. Set some goals, as well.

  • More Posts. I was doing so well, and then I got off track. I need to write more in other avenues than my personal journal and my bullet journal.
  • More Pictures. This feature is something my posts, in general, are lacking. So much text and nothing to break it up. So… let’s take more pictures!

Yeeeeeep. There are some goals for ya.

Anyways…I’m gonna be leaving in less than eight hours to Colorado for an anime convention and visiting friends. NDK! Haven’t been there since I started this blog. :3

I’ll post when I get back~! <3

Father’s Day

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015

I lost my father at the end of last year, not even days after I got married and a little over a month before one of my favorite holidays to celebrate with my dad, Christmas. Father’s Day holds a special place in my heart.

After my father passed away, I was going through some of his things that he kept in a small box next to his favorite chair in the living room. Little notebooks and brushes for my cat Cortana (whom he absolutely adored). What really stood out for me the most were a pile of cards that I got him for various days such as Father’s Day, his birthday, and so on. He had at least two years of cards from me, only me, in this box. My father treasured me more than anything else, and his love means so much to me.

This is the first Father’s Day I’ve had to spend without him. I can definitely feel the empty space in my chest. Things just aren’t the same. My dad is probably the biggest reason I came out okay, and I can’t thank him enough for everything he has ever done for me.

Perhaps this is why I am so easily offended by all the little posts I’ve read about how there are some people out there who genuinely feel like like Father’s Day is a joke. Of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I believe that wholeheartedly, and I still respect other peoples’ opinions. It’s only fair I share my own.

Father’s Day seems to be a touchy subject for some people, especially the ones that have had negative experiences with fathers. I consider myself lucky to have had such a wonderful father. Even if it does happen to be a fake hashtag on Twitter, #EndFathersDay really does hit a sore spot for me. Yes, there are probably a lot of shitty fathers out there who don’t even deserve the title, but is it fair to call and end to something that appreciates those fathers who took care of their families and fully accepted the responsibility of being a parent?

If anything, Mother’s Day is the one that leaves a sour taste in my mouth. My mother isn’t the worst person ever, but she wasn’t the best person, either. The way she raised me contributed to my stunted emotional development that I’m still working on sorting to this day. My father was always the one who provided me with the affection that my mother was incapable of giving. He was the reassuring voice that dulled the critical edge of my mother’s criticisms. He taught me that I was okay exactly the way I was, and as long as I did my best, he was more than proud of me.

I guess I happen see things from the opposite end of the spectrum. I haven’t had all that positive of an experience with my own mother. I’ve known people who have been abused, mistreated, and abandoned by their mothers. I’ve had friends who had only their fathers to raise them when their mothers ran off. Yet you do not hear me yelling at the top of my lungs that Mother’s Day should sod right off because my mother wasn’t the healthiest parent to be raised by. Who am I to say that all mothers are horrible because mine wasn’t all that great to me?

I have a friend who is so much younger than me, yet she is such an inspirational single mother. My grandmother on my father’s side was one of the sweetest ladies alive, and she gave me nothing but love and happiness the entire time she was alive. I just know so many other inspirational mothers and grandmothers who deserve the love and affection they receive on Mother’s Day. My mother does not dictate the behavior of every other mother who deserves recognition; even then, I still cherish my mother for trying.

Just because some father figures were abysmal doesn’t mean we shouldn’t celebrate the other fathers out there who work hard to support their family, care for their children, and really make that difference in peoples’ lives. After all, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

I miss you, dad. I think about you every day. I’m glad I had you in my life, and I’m happy that I got to be as close with you as I was. I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. Thank you for being such a light in my life.

Fighting Games, Life, and Video Games.

Thursday, March 20th, 2014

I haven’t updated here in forever, have I? I guess now is as good as a time as any.

I entered in the local BlazBlue tournament in January. There weren’t that many entrants, but I am happy I came in third place. I’m sure I could have performed a whole lot better if I really focused on working on new combos. The combos I have seem to be holding me through pretty well, but I feel like I’m genuinely limiting my ability if I don’t learn anything new. Those combos that are in muscle memory are pretty well rooted in muscle memory. I think I just need to do something more than what I already have.

Another thing I really need is matchup experience. I have a lot of experience playing against Tyler’s Kokonoe. I have a bit of experience playing against Estevan’s Valkenhayn. I understand how a lot of the other characters work. I have about as much matchup experience as I do from playing online in previous iterations of BlazBlue. When I rolled in to the tournament, I’ve only seen Azrael in play from videos and Score Attack. Not a whole lot of experience otherwise. I locked up pretty good playing against Chavelo’s Azrael. I feel like I would’ve done better if I had more matchup experience, but hindsight is always 20/20.

The Atomic Mesa household hasn’t been streaming a whole lot lately. We did try something different in the past few months, though: we streamed a Vanguard card game tournament. It was a lot of fun, even though we were lacking in streaming gear at the time. The players thought it was an amazing idea, and they all really wanted to play for the stream. We had advertising on the Cardfight! Vanguard Facebook, and we actually had people in the chat discussing what was going on in the game. It was pretty successful! It was a unique experience for us, and I think we’ll be better prepared for stuff like that in the future.

Tyler has been really busy building and modding fight sticks lately. He recently built a custom Melty Blood stick for himself that came out quite amazing. He designed the art himself, put the stick together, and he even put LEDs into the stick. He went through the effort of programming the LEDs, and it paid off. The stick is quite amazing.

Besides the stick he built, he is also building me my waifu (Kuroneko) stick! He has put in so much effort making it perfect, and I am blown away with what he’s done so far. He’s put the entire thing together save for the wiring (we’re still waiting on the wiring harness to come in). I’ll have to post pictures of it once it’s finished–the work he’s done has exceeded my expectations and then some.

I think I would be doing more with things, but having two jobs has been taking up a lot of my time. I work eight hours a day for my main job, then I go home and get things done around the house, then I go and squeeze in however many hours of work for my second job (depending on how much stuff they have for me at the time). I barely have enough time to squish in gaming, much less a social life. Oh, and add going to the gym on a regular basis in there, and… free time? What’s that? I don’t understand what free time is anymore. I like being busy, sure, but maybe this is a bit much.

On the bright side, I have really been using my handwritten journals lately. I haven’t missed a day since I started seriously writing in the daily ones in January. I’ve almost filled my general journal, too. I’m trying to write more, even if it is about stupid stuff. I feel rusty (since all I really work on is formatting and editing these days), but I think I will eventually get a handle on things again.

Welp. I think that was a good start. Now to actually see if I can keep up on this thing…

Busy, Busy, Busy. Always Busy.

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012

Goodness. I’ve wanted to post more, but I’ve been so busy with work and life.

There was a fighting game tournament in town recently, which was fun. I’m sure it would have been a lot more fun if I wasn’t as hung over as I was. The tournament made me realize that I need more practice. Have I been practicing since then? Not particularly, since I’ve been obsessively playing Borderlands 2. I really want to get back in to the swing of things, but it would help if I had more time.

I’ve been putting in late hours at works. I’ve had a lot of things to do there. I really do enjoy being a Technical Writer, especially for something I’m fascinated by like computer security. It’s hard to find time to do things when I have a full-time job, but it pays off. Literally.

There’s a lot of stuff planned for Atomic Mesa. I have some articles that I need to review, I need to actually post the article I wrote a while back, and my roommates and I are planning to do some Survival Horror streams in the spirit of the month of Halloween. I need to revamp the design of the website, too. Where in the world am I supposed to get all this time?

I should be posting something about my impressions of Borderlands 2 tonight. If I can get the time. ._.

Here’s to me getting back in to the swing of things.

On Death and Dying

Monday, August 20th, 2012

It’s always a surreal experience when I go to a new doctor. It never ceases to amuse me when he/she looks at me really funny when I discuss my medical history. He/she always asks me if I’m on the pill, I tell him/her that I have an IUD, he/she tells me that I’m a bit young to have an IUD, I tell him/her that I can’t take hormonal birth control, he/she asks why, and then things usually get really awkward.

At the end of 2006, I was hospitalized with a case of pulmonary embolism. Pulmonary embolism essentially involves blood clots in the lungs. I had no idea what was going on when I was diagnosed. The days before I was hospitalized, I was having a bit of trouble breathing, and I was having pain in my shoulder. The day I was hospitalized, I couldn’t breathe. Every breath I took made me feel like I was dying. I couldn’t inhale, and I couldn’t exhale without feeling like I was dying. It was a pretty scary time.

What I didn’t know before I was hospitalized was that one in four people diagnosed with pulmonary embolism end up dying. Sixteen percent of people who have pulmonary embolism usually end up dying before any sort of treatment can be done. When I was hospitalized, the doctors heaped on the pain medication on top of the anticoagulants because they assumed that I wasn’t going to survive the weekend. The doctors just wanted to make it as painless as possible in case the worst was going to happen.

I was on blood thinners for six months after I was hospitalized. The doctors assumed that the hormones in birth control had something to do with why I was hospitalized (after all, one of the risks of taking birth control is blood clots). After that incident, I was no longer allowed to use a hormonal birth control.

I had to get my blood regularly tested while on blood thinners to make sure that my blood was in the expected levels. I was lucky that the health center on campus had the ability to test my blood once or twice a week. When I was in Albuquerque, I had to go to the coumadin clinic there. People always thought I was in the wrong place because I was way too young to have to deal with blood clots. I was usually the only person under the age of sixty sitting around waiting to get my blood tested.

When I went to the doctor last week, it was surreal to hear from her that I could have died from pulmonary embolism. Doctors tell me this all the time when I tell them that I was hospitalized for it, but it never ceases to throw me off when I realize that I genuinely could have died. I know they don’t mean it offensively, but I think they’re usually genuinely surprised to see someone my age who has already had pulmonary embolism who survived to tell the tale. People are generally apologetic, but I’m rather ambivalent to it these days. It happened. I lived. Not much more needs to be said about it.

Still, though? It never ceases to disorient me when people tell me that I had a genuine chance of dying. Generally not something you think about when going through your day to day life, huh?