Archive for December, 2013

2013 is Coming to a Close…

Friday, December 6th, 2013

Although this year has been a crazy roller coaster beyond my wildest imagination, I can definitely say that this year has turned out all right. I also believe, without a shadow of a doubt, that next year will keep on getting better.

If anything, 2013 has been a year of transition for me. New home, new job, new relationship (well, new as of the end of 2012, haha), new opportunities, new friends. Hell, even throw a new cat into that mix. 2014 will be a good time to start fostering more improvements in life, and I’m looking forward to it.

Everything has become pretty straightforward in my life, which is actually kind of nice. I actually have an adult sleeping schedule (with the help of the right sleeping pills, of course, but they definitely have helped me conquer years of insomnia). Right now I’m working two jobs, one I really can’t talk too much about and another that pays me more than I’ve ever been paid in my entire life for ten hours a week. I’ve been focusing on being a better person and not letting the past influence my life. I never realized how bad things have affected me since I was young, and with the help of my amazingly patient boyfriend, I’m starting to finally undo years of damage I didn’t think I would ever be able to let go of.

Of course, this year wasn’t without its hurdles. Things had to get bad before they got better. I had to let go of so much toxicity before I was able to start healing. I had to endure a lot of hardship in order to fully appreciate all the little things in my life. I had to fall apart one more time before I could put things back together the right way. I had to confront my fears head-on to realize that they weren’t as bad as I thought they were.

This year was humbling; nevertheless, I think it was exactly what I needed in order to move forward.